Student Safety

When you send your child to St. Agnes School, you can rest assured that you have chosen a secure environment where the safety and well-being of your children is our chief priority.

Code of Conduct

St. Agnes School values the caring and diverse group of people that make up its community. In order to maintain the integrity of this environment, students are encouraged to be mindful of their relationship and responsibilities to others in this community by showing concern for their well-being and respecting their property, time, and needs.

This is a school where:
  • We respect each other
  • We value kindness
  • We observe good manners
  • We work together and help one another
  • We express our appreciation, and support each other
  • We take care of our own property & the property of others
  • We value the thoughts and feelings of both ourselves and others

Because St. Agnes School is a place of learning, our goal is to promote behavior that encourages learning and ensures the safety of others. We are committed to working with students and their parents to solve problems and develop appropriate attitudes and desired behaviors. When problems arise, in most cases, student discipline will be handled by the teacher, though in cases where behavior is repeatedly unacceptable or the offense is of a serious nature, the principal will become involved and will involve the student’s parents.  Abusive and/or aggressive behavior is not be tolerated and will be addressed immediately.
We are proud to be a community of students and teachers who care for one another in visible, tangible ways. If you would like to see our community in action, please call the office at (585) 226-8500 to schedule a visit.

CASE Volunteer Training

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CASE Training
(Creating A Safe Environment)

Staying safe on field trips is SO important!
To maintain the integrity of the St. Agnes School learning environment, all parent volunteers and chaperones are required to participate in the Diocese of Rochester’s CASE (Creating A Safe Environment) training, and to follow its guidelines when interacting with students. Any individual (Parents, Grandparents, Caregivers, Relatives, etc.) that would like to volunteer at school—including but not limited to—attending field trips, working in the classroom, picnics, PTO events, hot lunch or pizza lunch helpers, service events, classroom celebrations, book fairs, santa sale, etc—must complete the online training and the required background checks every three years. Parents who drive for field trips must also turn in the Volunteer Driver form annually.

If you have any questions about CASE training or maintaining the safety of our school environment, please call the office at (585) 226-8500.

To Register your children at St. Agnes School or to review our Brochures, Registration Forms, and other information, please visit our Registration page in the Academics and Admissions menu for all of our downloadable content.